
A marker-based AR experience uses a black and white image to anchor the AR content. Your scene will appear when the marker is in the field of view of your camera.

You can print a paper version of your marker (which we recommend), or display it on a screen.

1. Use a premade marker or upload your own

Here is a sample marker for you. Feel free to use it as the marker for your project. Alternatively, click “Upload image” to use a custom one. Not sure what makes a good marker? Check out this guide.

2. Choose the content

Select the type of content you would like to link to your marker and then upload the file from your computer.

Please check the file name and remove whitepaces.

  • 3D Object (.gltf, .glb .zip; max size 50MB)
  • Image (.jpg, .png, .gif; max size 15MB)
  • Video (.mp4; max size 25MB)